As a Collaborative we aim to achieve…
Widespread and equitable well-being in the East Side of Saint Paul to lift Ramsey County higher in the ranks of vibrant and healthy places. A community that shares power and responsibility in sustainable work to improve health and well-being.
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COVID-19 Education + Response

Response resources from Center for Disease Control (CDC), Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Ramsey County Public Health.

General and COVID-19 specific resources from County, State, and community programs to support home owners, tenants, and houseless individuals.
Mental Health + Wellness

Resources that provide access to health services, with a focus on mental health in response to social isolation during COVID-19.
COVID-19 Testing Resources
Who should get tested? COVID-19 testing is an important strategy to slow the spread of the virus. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recommends testing for COVID-19 in several situations according to exposure, symptoms and vaccination status.
Food + Essentials

Resources that provide access to food and essential items such as home and hygiene products, winter gear, meal kits and food shelves.
Economic + Employment

General and COVID-19 specific resources from county, state, and community programs to support business owners, employees, and families.
Become a Community Partner with Us
Are you interested in becoming a community partner? We’d love to chat about how we might collaborate.